Европейских депутатов предостерегли от участия в псевдореферендумах
No international politically-biased “observers” identified during the 2022 Russian regional elections

The 2022 Russian regional elections took place on the so-called “Single Voting Day”, the second Sunday of September, which, in 2022, was on the 11th of September. Legal framework Already on the 1st of September 2022, the chair of the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova declared that there would be no international observers […]
Ложь о характере выборов. Почему невозможны ‘референдумы’ в оккупации
Italian election candidates whitewashed fraudulent elections

In recent years, we – the European Platform for Democratic Elections – have witnessed the increasing phenomenon of “biased observation” – a form of more politically-motivated election observation whose chief objective is to mislead the public regarding the regularity of some political process or the legitimacy of an election result. Based on the evidence […]
Election observation as a tool to engage young people in democratic processes

In the run-up to the Swedish 2022 general elections, the election observation alliance VOS conducted trainings for students at Stockholm University and Kista Folkhögskola to engage young people in the electoral process. The collaboration is foreseen to be continued throughout the following years in preparation for the European parliamentary elections. VOS providing a training at […]
Call for trainers: ISFED, EPDE member, is looking for experts for training election observation organizations

EPDE member ISFED is looking for trainers. Deadline for application is 20 September 2022. Please see their job posting below: “The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is looking for trainers to provide training on relevant topics to representatives of election organizations from the EU’s Eastern Neighborhood and some EU Member States. […]
New tool to help understand and track the use of public money in Romania

Bucharest based Expert Forum recently presented its interactive guide “Public Money Detector” during an online event (in Romanian). The integrity of public procurement is not only a matter of how public money is spent, but can also put people’s lives in danger, as demonstrated by the case of a bridge collapsing due to its poor […]
Viasna statement in connection with the sentencing of Marfa Rabkova and Andrei Chapiuk

STATEMENT ON THE VERDICT OF MARFA RABKOVA AND ANDREI CHAPIUK On September 6, 2022, the judging panel of Minsk Municipal Court Read the full statement here https://spring96.org/en/news/108947
International human rights organizations: Release Marfa Rabkova and Andrei Chapiuk immediately

JOINT STATEMENT Paris-Geneva, September 5, 2022 – On September 6, Minsk City Court will pronounce the verdict in the politically motivated and harrowing case of human rights defenders Maria (Marfa) Rabkova and Andrei Chapiuk, in a climate of sweeping repression of civil society in Belarus. The signatory organisations call for their immediate and unconditional […]
OPEN LETTER: No European politicians to whitewash Kremlin’s fraudulent elections or pseudo-referenda

To: Members of National and Regional Parliaments of the EU Member States, Members of the European Parliament In light of the Kremlin’s statements on preparations for conducting so-called “referenda” on territories occupied during the military aggression against Ukraine, the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) calls on all national and regional Parliaments of the […]