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For free and fair elections
in europe and beyond

We stand in solidarity with
human rights defenders


Follow-Up on Recommendations’ Implementation Conference (FURIC)

Fighting fake observation

Expert hub

Independent citizen election observers are at the frontline of defending democracy across Europe. EPDE supports these human rights defenders.

We contribute to democratic election processes and resilient democratic institutions.

We protect the integrity of elections against malign interference.

Latest news & reports

Expert Forum’s Official Position on Elon Musk’s Intimidation Campaign Expert Forum (EFOR) and our fellow civil society organizations are facing an unprecedented attack from powerful figures like Elon Musk. We...
(March 4, 2025)

Media about us

The February 23, 2025 elections in Germany will be monitored using Vote Monitor, an application developed by Code for Romania in 2016
Business Review (Romania)
Österreichische Politiker als willige Wahlhelfer für Autokraten
Falter (Austria)
Three Slovak politicians "observed" the elections in Belarus, they were invited by the puppet opposition
Dennik N (Slovakia)

What we do


The EPDE network engages beyond its membership with citizen election observers around the globe. We stand in solidarity with fellow democracy defenders and advocate for the right of citizens to exert public oversight over elections and democratic institutions.

Fighting Fake observation

Politically biased or fake observation involves election monitoring by groups and individuals who lack independent credibility and methodology. Per EPDE’s experience, fake observers focus on creating a false sense of legitimacy for non-democratic regimes, undermining efforts to ensure fair and democratic elections.


The EPDE network engages beyond its membership with citizen election observers around the globe. We stand in solidarity with fellow democracy defenders and advocate for the right of citizens to exert public oversight over elections and democratic institutions.

Fake observation

Politically biased or ‘fake’ election observation aims at advancing interests of political forces by imitating credible election monitoring. EPDE identifies persons and networks engaged in this practice in our Fake Observers database and advocates for measures to curb this phenomenon.


EPDE represents a hub of expertise on electoral matters driven by the experience and skills of citizen election observers and independent experts. We focus, among others, on the digitalization of election processes, political finances, and the rights of election observers.

Capacity building

EPDE strengthens the capacities of citizen election observers in monitoring elections and advocating for reforms. Our annual Electlab Academy brings renowned international experts and citizen election observers together.


The essence of election observation is to push for improvements in election processes. EPDE tracks the implementation of election related recommendations. We monitor the progress in electoral reform. Find here our database and respective reports and policy recommendations.

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Event gallery


May 2025

Presidential Elections (1st round)

May 2025

Presidential election

Poland 2020 presidential election-376deb72


All are non-governmental citizen election observation organizations standing up for transparent and equal suffrage.


All are non-governmental citizen election observation organizations standing up for transparent and equal suffrage.


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