Event report: Money and politics – how do we regulate online political finance?

During the OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, EPDE together with experts Olga Aivazovska from Civil Network OPORA (Ukraine), Sylwester Oracz from the Political Accountability Foundation (Poland), and election expert Alexander Shlyk discussed how civil society is leading the way in developing tools and methods for disclosing political finances in the online sphere. Experts highlighted case […]
‘No surprise’ that Russia is using ‘fake election observers’ in an attempt to legitimise ‘sham referenda’ in occupied Ukraine
Russia’s claimed observers in Ukraine ‘referendums’ violate numerous international principles – experts
Политолог объяснил гонения Запада против международных наблюдателей на референдумах
Ucraina, esperti alla Cnn: “Osservatori referendum? No, attivisti”
Il report accusatorio di sei candidati alle politiche “agenti del Cremlino”
Il report che accusa sei candidati alle politiche di essere agenti di disinformazione del Cremlino
Single Voting Day 2022 held amid war and restrictions of fundamental freedoms

Single Voting Day 2022 held amid war and restrictions of fundamental freedoms

During Russia’s multi-day local and regional elections held from September 9 to 11, 2022 – the so-called “Single Voting Day” – 4,728 municipal elections were held in Russia, including elections for heads of 14 regions, deputies to six regional parliaments and numerous local elections. The elections were held under conditions of censorship and restrictions on […]
Condemn Russian fake-referenda – Upgrade fight against electoral disinformation

The fake-referenda announced by the self-proclaimed authorities of the Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine are another effort to politically manipulate and instrumentalize elections and referenda for the anti-democratic agenda of the Russian dictatorship. Their results, obtained illegally in an atmosphere of fear and lack of access to independent information, should in no way be recognized […]