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In memory of Aleh Hulak

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our colleague Aleh Hulak, who was the Chairperson of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee. Aleh was an accomplished advocate and defender of human rights and democarcy, and a leading figure in the Belarusian human rights movement. In 1996, he joined the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) which later became […]

Public trust in democracy – how did we lose it and what can we do to get it back

In commemorating EPDE’s 10th anniversary, EPDE conducted a Political Accountability Foundation (Poland) Olga Aivazovska, Chairperson of the Board, Civil Network OPORA (Ukraine) Zsofia Banuta, Co-founder, Unhack Democracy (Hungary) Levan Natroshvili, Deputy Director, International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (Georgia) Moderation: Krzysztof Izdebski, Expert on transparency in public life and elections, Stefan Batory Foundation Opening remarks: Stefanie Schiffer, Chair of the Board, […]

Press Release: Ten years “European Platform for Democratic Elections”

  Ten years “European Platform for Democratic Elections”. Fighting for election integrity now more important than ever   In December 2012, European citizen election observation organizations launched the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) in reaction to democratic backlash in the region and an emerging need for solidarity and transnational cooperation for citizen election monitors. […]

Upcoming Event: Public trust in democracy – how did we lose it and what can we do to get it back

Date: 13 December 2022Time: 17.00-18.30 CETLocation: Conference centre ZielnaAddress: Europa hall, 6th floor, entrance C Zielna 37, 00-108 Warsaw, Poland The institution of elections in both Eastern European countries and the European Union faces challenges of disinformation, increasing social polarization, and declining trust in democratic institutions. Manipulation around electoral regulations and the hijacking of state […]

Conclusions and recommendations following election observation of the Swedish general elections of 11 September 2022

VOS – the Association for Election Observation in Sweden observed the Swedish general elections of 11 September with 95 observers from 21 countries. This new initiative is co-founded by EPDE’s Swedish member Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc) as part of the “European voters – together for electoral integrity” project coordinated by the EPDE secretariat. The […]

Event: Money and Politics – How Poland fares against Europe?

In cooperation with the Political Accountability Foundation the European Platform for Democratic Elections cordially invites you to the online discussion: Money and politics — how Poland fares against Europe? During the discussion we will try to answer the following questions: Can third-party campaigning be regulated? How much transparency is needed and can too much transparency […]

House searches of Russian election observers

Early on the 5th of October, police forces conducted house searches simultaneously at the central office and in private flats of several election experts of the well-known movement for free elections “Golos” in the Russian Federation. EPDE strongly condemns this act of repression, intimidation, and unlawful interference into citizens’ constitutional right to free elections.  The […]

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