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Final Report

EPDE carried out long-term observation of the November 1, 2015, Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan with support of more than 50 local long-term observers (LTOs) and local civil society activists in more than 80 election constituencies around the country. EPDE notes with regret that the November 1, 2015, Parliamentary Elections were carried out amidst numerous incidents […]

Whitewashing of Flawed Parliamentary Elections Through PACE and Other EOMs

Baku, November 5, 2015 EPDE expresses its concern over international election observation missions delegitimizing the institution of election observation as well as damaging the reputation of those parliaments and international institutions that they represent. A significant number of international observation missions registered for the recent Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan have violated international standards of election […]

Analysis of the Activity of International Monitoring Missions

EPDE expresses its concern over international election observation missions delegitimizing the institution of election observation as well as damaging the reputation of those parliaments and international institutions that they represent. According to an EPDE survey of the work of international election observation missions during the Parliamentary elections on November 1, 2015, in Azerbaijan, none of […]

Competitive elections despite serious shortcomings and imperfect election legislation – EPDE Experts’ Discussion after the Local elections in Kyiv 27 October 2015

On October 27 2015 EPDE hold an experts’ discussion in Kyiv on specific problems of the recent local elections. Arkadi Lubarev from GOLOS Moscow analysed the new law on local election in Ukraine. The law was adopted only shortly before the elections in a non-inclusive manner without broad public discussion. It is an almost literal […]

EPDE expert evaluation of the parliamentary election in Poland, 25 October 2015

From 23 to 26 October 2015 the European Platform for Democratic Elections conducted its short-term election observation mission to the parliamentary election in Poland. EPDE observers note that the Electoral Code of the Republic of Poland does not provide civil independent domestic election observation. EPDE notes that the rights of the proxies and international observers […]

Invitation: EPDE expert discussion 27 October, 13.00, Kyiv

EPDE: Experts’ Discussion:  Specific Problems of the Local Elections in Ukraine Tuesday 27 October 2015, 13.00 – 14.30 Radisson Hotel, Yaroslaviv Val 22 The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) in cooperation with OPORA and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine cordially invites to an experts’ discussion on specific problems of the process of local […]

EPDE observes local elections in Ukraine

A group of civic election observers from the EPDE member organizations from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Norway, Poland and Russia observe the local elections in Ukraine scheduled for 25 October 2015. The observation is supported by the European Union and the German-Polish Cooperation Foundation. The observation takes place in cooperation with the Ukrainian EPDE members from the Civic […]

Failing preconditions to hold free and fair parliamentary elections

Serious shortcomings of voters’ lists noted in the previous elections remain not-addressed. The CEC announced that there is a 1 622 111 less voters in the country than argued by the State Statistics Committee. Neither of the institutions provided explanation of discrepancy between numbers.  EMDS received credible allegations that voters providing signatures in favor of […]

Results of the monitoring of the Presidential Elections

October 12, the resulting press-conference of the campaign ““Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”” regarding the presidential elections of October 11 was held in Minsk. The press-conference was given by Chairman of the Republican human rights public association “Belarusian Helsinki Committee” Aleh Hulak and deputy chairman of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Valianstin Stefanovich, who […]

Armenian Election Monitoring Groups protest against pushing forward constitutional reform by the presidential administration

We urge the Armenian authorities not to appoint the constitutional referendum without a substantial public debate, as well as before establishing preconditions for transparent voting. We appeal to the international institutions who promotes democracy and human rights not to support the constitutional referendum in Armenia in the situation of the distrust towards the authorities or […]

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