In support of citizen observers’ efforts in advocating for and tracking the implementation of recommendations, EPDE has developed a database cataloguing recommendations on electoral reform and issues reports and policy recommendations.
This Catalogue is a collection of recommendations issued by citizen observer organisations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine with regard to elections observed since 2012.
It was developed by the EPDE with the aim of supporting these organizations’ efforts of tracking the implementation of recommendations and of encouraging follow-up and engagement on their basis to improve the conduct of elections.
Information contained in this Catalogue has been compiled on the basis of citizen observer organisations’ published election observation reports. Evaluations regarding the extent of implementation of individual recommendations have been provided by the respective organizations. For a comprehensive picture, recommendations and evaluations should be read in conjunction with the original full reports. Records in this Catalogue will be subject to regular update.
The FURIC conference, organized by the European Platform for Democratic Elections, is a joint effort of citizen election observation organizations in Europe to identify methods of strengthening democratic electoral standards by promoting synergies between national and international election observers throughout the electoral cycle.
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