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Financing of political parties in the Republic of Moldova

In 2022, the legal framework for the financing of political parties was subjected to a series of changes which will improve the process of party financing. For the most part, theyentered into force as of January 2023. Promo-LEX latest report takes stock of the financial situation of Moldovan political parties in 2022 and provides further […]

STATEMENT on reviewing the constitutionality of the Șor Party

Promo-LEX Association published a statement on draft law No 232 of 10.07.2023 on the amendment of certain regulations implementing some considerations contained in the Constitutional Court Decision No 10/2023 on reviewing the constitutionality of the Șor Party. The statement reads: In principle, Promo-LEX Association appreciates the authors’ initiative to amend the legal framework to ensure […]

Opinion on legislative draft amendments concerning freedom of expression

Opinion on the Draft Law No 123 amending some regulatory acts passed by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the first reading on 7 April 2022   18 April 2022Addressed to Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of MoldovaEsteemed Speaker,Esteemed members of the Committee for Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Mass-media, […]

­Lack of public consultation in draft law

PUBLIC CALL Promo-LEX Association calls on the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to fully address the electoral recommendations of the Constitutional Court   To: The Parliament of the Republic of MoldovaCommittee on legal affairs, appointments and immunitiesCopy: The Central Electoral Commission On 10 March 2022, the Parliament approved, in the first reading, the Draft […]

Local Elections November 2021 – main findings and conclusions

The Promo-LEX Observation Mission (MO) presents the main findings on the conduct of the new local elections of 21 November (5/19 December 2021) in 15 localities in the Republic of Moldova. The mission included both observation of the campaign in the long run (6 observers) and on the election day (28 static observers in each […]

Second Round of Local Elections in Bălți Municipality – Worst Turnout Ever

The Promo-LEX Observation Mission presents its key findings of the second round of new local elections in Bălți, held on 19 December 2021. Four mobile teams consisting of two observers each, which monitored all the 60 polling stations (PSs), reported on the opening of polling stations, voting throughout the day and closing of polling stations. […]

OPINION on suspending the second round of local elections

Association Promo-Lex OPINION of Promo–LEX Observation Mission for the New Local Elections on suspending the second round of elections on 5 December 2021 in Bălți Constituency PromoLEX disagrees with the CEC decision to suspend second round local elections for the mayoral race in Bălți Constituency. The second round was suspend after the Shor Party candidate’s registration was annulled […]

Final report

In its preliminary report, Promo-LEX reports these elections were generally organized efficiently. The number of incidents on the day of the parliamentary elections decreased insignificantly compared to the presidential election of autumn 2020, (Round I by (-22) and Round II by (-40) incidents). Unconfirmed reported incidents of voter bribery and organized transportation of voters were […]

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