The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) will hold a side event at the upcoming 2019 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) of OSCE in Warsaw. It will take place on the first day of the HDIM, on 16 September at 13.15 hours – right after the opening plenary session.
The event will be devoted to the status and challenges of domestic election observation in the OSCE region and will include a presentation of EPDE’s new study “Citizen Election Observation: Conditions and Remaining Challenges”. The study is based on a newly-developed online database, gathering recommendations from citizen observers across Europe.
According to the study, “despite considerable follow-up efforts, both by citizen and international observer organizations, attention to and implementation of recommendations remains insufficient. Most of recommendations pertaining to election observation tracked through the EPDE recommendations database were evaluated as remaining to be implemented”.
All HDIM participants are welcome to take part in the EPDE side event. Further details will be published soon on
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