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Call for Experts for the Presidential Elections in Ukraine

(March 29, 2014)



In December 2013 European Exchange (Germany), Promo-LEX Association (Moldova) and International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (Georgia), with the financial support of the European Union, have launched in the framework of the European Platform for Democratic Elections a two years project aimed at supporting the democratization of the EaP countries by enhancing the role of civil society organizations in promoting free, fair and democratic elections.


In the framework of the project, Promo-LEX Association and partner organizations (Action Management Team, AMT) will deploy an Experts’ Mission to the Presidential Elections in Ukraine, planned to be held on May 25, 2014. It is envisaged that the Experts’ Mission will concentrate on one or both of the following aspects: need-based support and assistance offered to EPDE platform members in Ukraine to run independent election observation efforts and analysis/expertise of the main problematic issues related to the electoral policies and legislation in the eve of the Early Presidential Elections in Ukraine.


The AMT is looking to select a team of international experts who will be capable to accomplish the objectives of the project which are described in the attached Terms of Reference.


EPDE Experts will work for about one month during the period April 17-June 30, 2014 (this period includes also the eventual second round of the Presidential Elections). Also, representative of the experts’ team may be invited to present the final report in Berlin or Brussels in the course of an international event organized by EPDE. The experts’ team will have to provide to the AMT two short reports on their activity (interim and final reports) as well as to elaborate two analytical reports (interim and final reports).


For more details please see here:

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