Georgia to investigate physical attacks and intimidation of political party candidates, women, and journalists
Destroyed campaign material of Independent candidate Anna Dolidze. Souce: Twitter of Anna Dolidze Georgia’s 2020 pre-election period has been marked with an extreme level of polarization compared to previous period. Polarization has been a constant feature in Georgian politics undermining usual political competition and electoral processes capitalizing on vilification and intimidation of political opponents.[1]The […]
Georgia to investigate physical attacks and intimidation of political party candidates, women, and journalists
Georgia’s 2020 Parliamentary pre-election period is marked with high polarization amid constantly emerging allegations of physical violence and intimidation against political party candidates and its supporters. Orchestrated attacks include threats against journalists, who are being unlawfully prevented from doing their job, and intimidation of female candidates disproportionately targeted based on their gender.
Video observation of the voting process – a threat or a solution for transparent elections?
Image source: pixabay The context Two weeks before Moldova’s presidential election, on October 16, the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections called on the Central Election Commission (CEC) to ensure the operation of video observation on the whole of Election Day. This request came against the backdrop of growing allegations from the opposition and […]
Video observation of the voting process – a threat or a solution for transparent elections?
Ahead of the presidential election in Moldova, election observers have again called on the CEC to ensure that video observation of polling stations will be operational on the whole of Election Day. Due to continued restricted travel and other anti-COVID restrictions in place, it is impossible to conduct a full observation of all polling stations […]
Main issues on voting day – voter bribery and attempts to falsify the vote
Polling station closed for cleaning. Image source: During today’s briefing, the Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU) presented a report on the results of monitoring on voting day. CVU experts noted that as of 6pm, the most serious problem detected was voter bribery. During the preparation stages of the election campaign, evidence of systems […]
Local elections were highly competitive, violations specific to communities but not centrally planned
Civil Network OPORA reports that according to preliminary results, local elections were highly competitive and generally complied with legislation. Ukrainian citizens had a wide and diverse choice among candidates (parties), which were provided with sufficient conditions and resources to conduct large-scale election campaigns. Violations were specific to certain communities and could have an impact on […]
Preliminary report on local elections
Opora reports that according to preliminary results, local elections were highly competitive and generally complied with legislation. Violations were specific to certain communities and could have an impact on the results there but were not centrally planned. However, massive violations and incidents of non-compliance of election and campaign procedures, attempts to bribe voters, misuse of […]
Key conclusions from election day
The Committee of Voters of Ukraine reports that the most serious problem by the end of voting yesterday was voter bribery. Bribing of voters to change their address to vote in a specific constituency was also reported, as well as instances of bussing voters to constituencies. The second major problem of Election Day were instances […]
Local elections in Ukraine – a challenging context and a test for Zelensky’s party
The upcoming local elections in Ukraine will take place in a very challenging context: newly introduced electoral legislation with little time for participants in the election to familiarize themselves with it, lacking clarity on COVID19 measures and funding for equipment may pose a threat to the election process, cancelled elections in constituencies in Donetsk and […]
Concrete measures should be taken to reduce pandemic risks in parliamentary elections
Image source: The undersigned organizations are responding to the current severe epidemiological situation in Georgia. We would like to express our utmost concern and sorrow for the people who are infected and have passed away from the coronavirus. Along with the soaring infection rate, it seems the government is finding it more difficult […]