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2020 Roadmap for electoral, referendum and political finance reforms

Executive Summary On December 19, 2019, after eight years of consultations and negotiations between political actors, civil society, and the expert community, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine finally adopted a new election code. The final version of the code largely reflects recommendations proposed by civil society and election experts to ensure human rights and facilitate […]

Draft law on restricting access to information is excessive and unjustified

Draft law No 3294 has been registered in the Parliament. It suggests suspending the terms for consideration of citizen requests, requests for public information, and lawyers’ enquiries for the quarantine period. Civil Network OPORA is critical about the draft law deeming such restrictions as excessive.   Draft law No 3294 was submitted to the Parliament on March, 30, […]

Illegal political advertising on Facebook: Why is it a problem and what can we do about it

OPORA explored the pre-election campaigning on Facebook during the 2019 presidential race. It was found that parties and candidates have not declared in their official reports dozens of millions of hryvnas  spent for ads in the social media. It breaks electoral standards but the law on elections does not provide any sanctions for politicians hiding their finance […]

Parliament must resume electoral reform and prepare for local elections

Civil Network OPORA hereby urges the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the parliamentary committee on the organization of state power, regional development, local self-government, and urban planning to resume and intensify the electoral reform process and the legislative preparations for the regular local elections in Ukraine. The most recent public and expert discussion in this committee […]

Preliminary report on Kharkiv region by-elections

On March 15, 2020, voting took place at the interim elections of the people’s deputy of Ukraine in constituency 179. Civil Network OPORA conducted an independent non-party monitoring of all stages of the electoral process, including the election day, and the vote count. Before the election day, OPORA noted a competitive nature of the election […]

New ‘new’ Election Code – which system will be used in future Ukrainian elections?

Peculiarities of electoral system for parliamentary elections The Election Code suggests to use an open-list proportional representation system for organization of parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Voters will be able to vote for a party and, additionally, for a certain candidate in regional list of this party. Only parties that overcome the 5% national threshold will […]

OPORA Statement on Adopting Electoral Code Upon its Second Review

Civil Network OPORA hereby welcomes the efforts of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to build a dialogue and reach a compromise on the Electoral Code. Political legitimacy of the law is an important element of building public trust to the institute of elections. Second review of the Electoral Code does formally complete a lengthy process for […]

Electoral Reform in Ukraine #15

The parliamentary vote on the draft Electoral Code planned for this week has been postponed. Earlier, EPDE members Civic Network OPORA and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine raised serious concerns about some provisions of the draft and pointed to a number of shortcomings resulting from last minute amendments to the draft. This policy alert […]

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