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Illegitimate Russian government waging war on Europe

  On 24 February, military attacks were launched against Ukraine by a Russian government that lacks legitimacy after being elected through unfair and undemocratic elections. This attack was ordered by Putin and his justification for the attack was approved by the State Duma, which unanimously ratified Putin’s decree recognizing the independence of Ukraine’s separatist republics. […]

No credentials for the Russian Delegation to PACE after flawed Duma elections 2021

SUMMARY Independent election experts have described the 2021 Duma elections as the dirtiest elections in Russia’s history. The lack of public control, the deprivation of ca. 9 Mio Russian citizens of the right to stand for election and the massive manipulation through application of uncontrolled e-voting have turned the Duma elections into a farce. The […]

Ongoing harassment against independent election observation

On September 29, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation added 20 election experts of the Movement for the Protection of the Voters Rights “Golos” to the “register of foreign mass media performing the functions of a foreign agent”. Qualifying Golos observers as “foreign agents” at a time when every day more falsifications of […]

Bogus International Monitors for the Bogus Russian Parliamentary Elections

Press briefing with group of French politicians, including MEP Thierry Mariani pictured here, invited to “monitor” the State Duma elections in Saint Petersburg, 19.09.2021. Source: – Evgeniy Zaytsev.   With the gradual systemic decline of the democratic character of Russian presidential, parliamentary, and other elections, Vladimir Putin’s regime found it increasingly difficult to secure […]

Bogus International Monitors for the Bogus Russian Parliamentary Elections

With the gradual systemic decline of the democratic character of Russian presidential, parliamentary, and other elections, Vladimir Putin’s regime found it increasingly difficult to secure their international legitimacy. In an attempt to give the impression of international legitimation of the parliamentary elections, Russian authorities reportedly brought in 383 “international observers” and “experts” from 80 countries.

Mission impossible – Election monitoring in Russia to be muzzled

Photo: – Protest of civil society organizations and political parties, 1 May 2004, Moscow.   On 18 August 2021, in the course of the electoral campaign for the State Duma elections, the Russian Ministry of Justice declared the Golos Movement, a Russian unregistered election monitoring network, a “foreign agent”.  “This decision is intended to […]

CEC restricts journalists’ access to the electoral process

Photo: Roger H. Goun, 2008. CC BY 3.0   On 28 July 2021, the Central Election Commission adopted a new media accreditation procedure (without cancelling the old one) that restricts media access to observe and report on the electoral process and violates the freedom of media editorial policy. Independent Russian election experts fear a significant reduction […]

CEC restricts journalists’ access to the electoral process

On 28 July 2021, the Central Election Commission adopted a new media accreditation procedure that restricts media access to observe and report on the electoral process. The new rules violate the freedom of media editorial policy and may significantly reduce the transparency of the election process.

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