Understanding the Belarusian Presidential Elections*2025

The expert monitoring mission for the Belarusian presidential elections* 2025 is carried out by the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The mission is aimed at evaluating the elections from the viewpoint of the Belarusian electoral legislation and international standards of free and democratic elections, as well as informing the Belarusian public […]
Belarus: Analytical report on the results of monitoring the election campaigning

In violation of its OSCE commitments, Belarusian authorities failed to invite credible international observation organizations, such as ODIHR or OSCE PA, in a timely manner, deliberately obstructing independent oversight. Meanwhile, domestic election observation has been virtually eradicated, with organizations branded as “extremist” and liquidated, and their leaders imprisoned or exiled. Human Rights Center “Viasna” founder […]
EPDE Statement: Meet the Props: How Lukashenka’s Fake Observers Tried to Sell His Sham Election

The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) has exposed how over 90 politically biased “observers” were deployed to whitewash the fraudulent 2025 Belarusian Presidential Election. The Lukashenka regime, notorious for systematic human rights abuses and repression of civil society, manufactured international legitimacy by inviting hand-picked “observers”—many with direct ties to authoritarian regimes, Kremlin-linked disinformation networks, or criminal investigations in their home countries. […]
Lukashenka or Lukashenka? Elections* without Choice in Belarus

The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE),together with Belarusian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights Center Viasna, hosted a briefing on Belarus’s upcoming presidential elections*, scheduled for January 26, 2025. The recording is now available on YouTube. For the seventh time, Belarus is staging the ritual of “electing” Aliaksandr Lukashenka as president, in a climate of […]
Belarus: Analytical report on the results of monitoring the nomination and registration of candidates

The expert election* 2025 observation mission was organized by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Viasna Human Rights Center as part of the “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” campaign. The mission collects and analyzes information about the election campaign based on open sources and messages from voters from Belarus. CONCLUSIONS *The term “elections*” in relation to […]
“How can free and fair elections take place in such an environment in Belarus?” OSCE countries issued a statement

Ahead of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting on December 6, 37 participating states issued a statement on the elections in Belarus. It noted that they remain deeply concerned about the constantly deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus, Pozirk reported. The statement once again called for the release of all political prisoners: “We reiterate that the Belarusian authorities must ensure […]
“Tourism under the guise of election observation.” The head of the CIS observer mission will be the same one who recognized the election results in 2020

The observer mission from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which will monitor the electoral campaign at the invitation of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, is headed by Secretary General Sergei Lebedev. In 2020, Sergei Lebedev stated that the presidential elections in Belarus were held in an organized manner and by the law. Viasna human rights activist Pavel […]
Elections*2025. Analytical report on the formation of territorial election commissions

The general conditions and the actual procedure of the formation of territorial election commissions (TECs), which are an important mechanism of the electoral process, demonstrate the state dirigisme of all electoral processes with the imitation of the active participation of civil society, which gives the current executive power full control over the formed commissions. The […]
The situation on the eve of the elections*2025. The first report of the “Human rights defenders for free elections” campaign

The next, seventh, presidential elections* in Belarus have been scheduled by the House of Representatives for January 26, 2025, amid a deep human rights crisis caused by repression following peaceful protests against fraud in the 2020 presidential elections. This repression persists and even intensifies to this day: the authorities continue to arbitrarily persecute candidates, members […]
EPDE calls for the immediate release of Viasna members as they enter fourth year of political imprisonment

On 14 July 2021, our colleagues Ales Bialiatski, founder and chairman of The Human Rights Center Viasna, esteemed human rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Valiantsin Stefanovic, deputy chairperson of Viasna and vice-president of FIDH, and lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich, were detained due to their roles as election monitors. In March 2023, Ales was sentenced […]