The expert monitoring mission for the Belarusian presidential elections* 2025 is carried out by the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The mission is aimed at evaluating the elections from the viewpoint of the Belarusian electoral legislation and international standards of free and democratic elections, as well as informing the Belarusian public and international community about the progress of the elections.
The seventh presidential elections in Belarus’s independent history are scheduled for January 26, 2025. These elections* occur against a backdrop of widespread political repression, systematic violations of fundamental democratic principles, and the institutionalized erosion of human rights. Below, we explain critical factors that define this process and affect its legitimacy.
The expert mission of observation during the presidential election 2025 is being carried out by the Human Right Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The campaign is aimed at evaluating the elections* from the viewpoint of the Belarusian electoral legislation and international standards of free and democratic elections, as well as informing the Belarusian public and international community about the progress of the elections and results of observation.
The term “elections*” in relation to the 2025 election campaign is used with an asterisk to emphasize the conventionality of this term, since any free and fair election campaign presupposes all conditions under which rights and freedoms are fully realized, including freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful meetings and associations, the right to participate in the governance of one’s state, freedom from discrimination, which are currently practically absent in Belarus.
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