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Capacity building

EPDE provides training to citizen election observers, engaging renowned experts and experienced international election observers to share their expertise.

One such training format is EPDE's Electlab Academy.

This peer-to-peer learning format gathers ca. 60 citizen election observers as well as international experts together annualy and offers an open space for participants to learn from each other.

A further bottom-up learning approach are the study trips organized by the EPDE secretariat for its member organisations. These study trips allow citizen election observers to expand their election monitoring skills and gain insights into particular challenges or trends in elections.

Increasingly complex and digitalised election processes demand that citizen observers develop their skills and adjust their methodology to be able to monitor all aspects of the electoral cycle. Citizen observers are also the drivers of reform, which makes it vital to strengthen their capacities to issue strong recommendations and push for improvements in legislation and electoral procedures.

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