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Call for researchers and international experts on elections

(November 14, 2019)


The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) seeks an international expert or a group of experts to conduct research based on its “Catalogue of Recommendations on Electoral Reform”, a database collecting recommendations issued by citizen observer organizations and EPDE members in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine as well as different citizen election observers groups in Russia with regard to elections observed since 2012.

EPDE is planning two studies based on this database on the following topics:

– Party and election campaign financing

– Freedom of speech (incl. hate speech and disinformation regulations)


In the two studies, one study on each of the above topics, the following should be analyzed:

– The existing situation in the target countries and how they compare to one another (including legislative gaps)

– Recommendations for legislative reforms made by citizen election observers as collected in EPDE’s database


The task of the expert/researcher includes

– Development of a publication / report with cross-country analysis on one of the above mentioned topics in EPDE countries using data from the recommendations database, election observation reports of EPDE member organizations, other citizen election observers (i.e. in Russia) and other relevant election related documents,

– Coordination with the EPDE secretariat which will be involved in the editing process of this study,

– Conduct of a public presentation in cooperation with the EPDE


These studies would represent a continuation of an existing series of publications based on EPDE’s database of recommendations. The by 24.11.2019.

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