Statement: Urgent call for immediate accreditation of international observers for the Polish parliamentary elections
The parliamentary elections are less than two days away. Already 120 international observers – representatives of prominent civil society organizations from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Hungary, Estonia, and Italy have arrived in Warsaw, who have been preparing for months to observe the election day conduct. However, none of these organizations have yet received accreditation from […]
International observers without accreditation less than two days before Polish elections
Armenian ruling party hangs on to Yerevan mayor’s seat
Legal information on the impossibility of holding elections under conditions of martial law – Civil Network OPORA
With the approach of constitutionally established period for scheduling the parliamentary and presidential elections, the debate on the possibility of conduct of elections under conditions of martial law is heating up both in Ukraine and among our international partners. Civil network OPORA and more than 200 other NGOs have already taken a stand against the proposal […]
Second report of the Observation Mission Promo-LEX for the General Local Elections
Promo-LEX Association presented on Thursday, 5 October, the second Report of the Observation Mission (OM) for general local elections from 5 November 2023, in which it notes worrying trends that may affect both the organisation and conduct of electoral process and results of elections.
Promo-LEX Observation Mission notes worrying trends that may affect organisation and conduct of electoral process and results of local elections
Promo-LEX Association presented on Thursday, 5 October, the second Report of the Observation Mission (OM) for general local elections from 5 November 2023, in which it notes worrying trends that may affect both the organisation and conduct of electoral process and results of elections. The observation period for events covered in the report runs generally […]
ISFED: The Parliament should not adopt the draft law restricting the freedom of assembly and expression
On October 2, the majority MPs at the Parliament of Georgia submitted a draft law that is being considered in an accelerated manner. The proposed changes will put extreme restrictions on the freedom of assembly and expression guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia and international standards. We believe that such legislative changes will be a […]
The upcoming 2023 referendum and parliamentary elections in Poland: key concerns about the “double celebration” democracy day
The recently published Policy Alert voices concern about the decision of the Polish government to hold a national referendum alongside the elections for Sejm and Senat, citing the short time for public debate, the wording of questions of the referendum, its binding effect, campaign finance rules, and general organizational issues. The authors propose several recommendations […]
Side event at HDC: “Follow-up to recommendations: possible ways of cooperation between international and citizen election observers”
The side event served the purpose of exploring possible tangible ways for cooperation between international and citizen election observers in the period of follow-up to recommendations and electoral reform. This event was envisaged as an opening for the discussions on this topic that are to be continued in a more formal and broader format at […]
The upcoming 2023 referendum and parliamentary elections in Poland: key concerns about the “double celebration” democracy day
The recently published Policy Alert voices concern about the decision of the Polish government to hold a national referendum alongside the elections for Sejm and Senat, citing the short time for public debate, the wording of questions of the referendum, its binding effect, campaign finance regulations, and general organizational issues. The authors propose several recommendations […]