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Belarus Election Alert #3

The Central Election Commission has until 14 July to complete the registration process of candidates for the presidential race. Observers from the “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” campaign report that further measures were taken to disadvantage rival candidates in recent days: locations where election activities can lawfully take place have been restricted, further members […]

Belarus Election Alert #3

Image source:   Local governments have drastically reduced the list of legal campaigning locations for outdoor events in an apparent attempt to curb election-related activities. Authorized venues are either unsuitable for this purpose or are likely to be unpopular among voters, with some of them being inaccessible by public transport. According to HRDs, unlike the 2015 […]

Government slashes campaigning locations in attempt to ‘sterilize’ elections

Following an unprecedented crackdown on presidential nominees and members of their campaign teams, the authorities have opted to minimize the outreach of the upcoming campaigning phase of the presidential election set for August 9. Local governments have drastically reduced the list of legal campaigning locations for outdoor events in an apparent attempt to curb election-related […]

Petition to release convicts during the COVID-19 pandemic

Azerbaijani civil society actors, human rights defender and lawyers, and other citizens call on authorities to release prisoner due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The petition states that the poor quality of food and the overcrowded conditions of detention centers is especially problematic during the pandemic. Upholding the humanist values, safety and right to health of […]

Launch of Politically Biased Election Observers Database

EPDE has set up a database that contains 374 names of notorious “fake election observers” from over 60 countries.  With this database, EPDE wants to increase transparency over election observation missions and encourages journalists, researchers and political stakeholders to study and to take action against international and coordinated efforts to systematically destroy trust in free […]

2020 Parliamentary elections – first interim report of pre-election monitoring

The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy has been monitoring pre-election period of the October 31, 2020 Parliamentary Elections of Georgia since June 1. The monitoring is implemented with support of the United States Agency for International Development and the EU. The first interim report of the pre-election monitoring mostly covers the period from […]

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