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Third interim report of pre-election monitoring

On October 25, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presented the third interim report of monitoring the 2018 presidential election of Georgia. The document covers the period of October 1 – 24, it also summarizes developments that began to unfold prior to October 1 but became known during the monitoring period. During […]

Election Day Final PVT Results

Based on the ISFED PVT data, we can conclude that the tabulation of votes was mostly conducted in compliance with election procedures. Similarly to the voting process, number of violations were reported during counting of votes, such as: improper filling of summary protocols, restriction of the rights of observers, number of issued ballot papers not […]

2018 Presidential Election: ISFED’s election day final PVT statement

The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) was monitoring the October 28, 2018 Presidential Elections in all electoral districts across Georgia. ISFED Observation Mission consists of 800 short-term-observers deployed at precincts, 73 observers deployed at district electoral commissions and 78 mobile groups. PVT and Incident Centers operated in the central office staffed with […]

4th e-day statement: Voting Process and Closing of Polling Station

Based on the analysis of the information received through PVT, ISFED concludes that the voting process was mostly conducted without significant violations. However, throughout the voting process different kinds of procedural violations were reported, such as limiting the rights of observers; violation of inking procedure; procedural violations related to ballot papers; presence of unauthorized persons […]

3rd e-day statement: Voting Process by 19:00

According to ISFED observers, the disturbing trend of mobilization of party activists still continues and is happening across the districts. These activists are noting which voters go to the stations. This method is mostly used by the activists of the Georgian Dream, however, in some cases representatives of the United National Movement were also using […]

2nd e-day statement: Voting process and Voter Turnout by 15:00

ISFED observers identified an important trend of party activists’ attempt to influence voters’ will outside the stations, specifically in the way of writing down the information of which voters came to the station. There was one case where voters were being mobilized through mini-buses. At this moment, ISFED’s observers identified similar incidents at 40 polling […]

1st e-day statement: Opening and setting up of polling stations

Based on the information provided by ISFED observers, the opening and setting up process at the majority of polling stations took place without substantial violations. However, cases of procedural violation of casting of lots and inadequate handling of electoral documentation was observed at several polling stations. At the moment of the statement, ISFED has filed […]

Second interim report of pre-election monitoring

On October 8, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presented its second interim report of the pre-election monitoring. The report covers the period of September 9-30, as well as events that began to unfold prior to September 9 and continued throughout and, in some cases, after the monitoring period. The reporting period […]

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