EMDS preliminary statement on findings of monitoring the Presidential Election
On Election Day, EMDS recorded widespread, serious election violations that undermined voting and counting processes. This included voting without registration in 47% of polling stations, ballot-box stuffing in 53% of polling stations, and multiple voting in 53% of polling stations. Only 8% of polling stations were free of major violations. The organization also received reports […]
EMDS preliminary statement on findings of monitoring the Presidential Election
EPDE’s member from Azerbaijan Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS) has conducted long- and short-term observation of all stages of the 11 April 2018 Presidential Election, including nomination and registration of candidates, election campaign, voting and vote counting on the Election Day. EMDS cooperated with 22 long-term (LTOs) and 166 short-term observers (STOs) during […]
Presidential election in Azerbaijan: Infographics
The CEC of Azerbaijan has denied the registration of two potential candidates for the early presidential election scheduled for 11 April, thus preventing the appearance of new independent forces on the political scene of the country. Moreover some meetings with the members of the OSCE long-term observation mission in the regions (see the interim report here) were conducted under […]
Final report of monitoring the 2017 local self-government elections
On March 19, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presented the final report of monitoring of the 2017 local self-government elections. The report covers ISFED’s key findings and trends of the pre-election, Election Day and post-election periods. The report also assesses the work of election administration and other key actors of the […]
ISFED Issues Final Report of 2017 Local Self-Government Elections
On March 19, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presented the final report of monitoring of the 2017 local self-government elections. The report covers ISFED’s key findings and trends of the pre-election, Election Day and post-election periods. The report also assesses the work of election administration and other key actors of the […]
Foreign observation of the illegitimate presidential election in Crimea in March 2018
Reputable monitoring organisations did not send any missions to observe the Russian presidential election in Crimea held on the 18th of March 2018. Aiming to give domestic and international legitimacy to the election in Crimea, the Russian authorities invited, via a number of organisations, 43 foreign observers who obtained accreditation from the CEC and illegally […]
Foreign observation of the illegitimate presidential election in Crimea in March 2018
The greater part of the international community does not recognise the “Russian status” of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea annexed by Russia in March 2014. Therefore, reputable monitoring organisations did not send any missions to observe the Russian presidential election in Crimea held on the 18th of March 2018. Aiming to give domestic and […]
300 observers monitored the presidential election upon individual invitation from the Russian parliament
Preliminary report on the Kremlin-friendly international electoral observation Several established organisations monitored the Russian presidential election on the 18th of March 2018. These included (1) the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, (2) Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, (3) Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, (4) […]
Media hate campaign against EPDE
The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) is committed to free and democratic elections throughout Europe, including in Russia. It represents the interests of civil society and independent European election observation organisations. Because of this commitment, EPDE has become the target of orchestrated smear and defamation campaigns by the Russian media in the run-up to […]
DRA on the listing of EPDE and IESC as “undesirable” organisations
The German-Russian Exchange (DRA) declares solidarity with EPDE and IESC, and their striving to promote independent non-governmental international election observation, which can contribute to the legitimacy of fair elections. DRA protests against the prohibition of the organisations in Russia and asserts in the statement that the activities of EPDE and its member organisations must be […]