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Monitoring of Political Ads on Facebook over first half September

What party or candidate spent the most, who shares ads with mistakes, and what Ukrainian party paid for Facebook ads in RUB. In the beginning of autumn, most politicians and political forces planning to run for local elections have become more active in social media. OPORA has explored activity levels of political parties on Facebook in June […]

How to organize local elections during the pandemic

Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU) co-published this report with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on how to organize elections safely during the pandemic with specific recommendations for the local elections in Ukraine.

1. Interim observation mission report

Opora issued their first interim report of the pre-election campaign period for the local elections. Officially, election campaigning began 05 September, however, political parties, their local organizations, and potential candidates de facto already launched their active campaigning in August. This stage of early campaigning is unregulated by any electoral legal framework and there are no […]

First interim report on pre-election campaigning

OPORA’s analysis of public activities of political parties and potential candidates in August indicates a full-fledged launch of the pre-election campaign, which is unregulated by any electoral legal framework at this stage.   The public activity with elements of electoral campaigning was manifested by 70 political parties. At the same time, 41 political parties from […]

The CEC has formed oblast, raion, and city election commissions

Formation of commissions The Central Election Commission and local organizations of political parties have properly realized their functions in regard to formation and staffing of key collegial bodies responsible for the organization of local elections on 25 October 2020 and overall election administration in oblasts, raions and cities. On 10 August, the deadline established by […]

President’s Office must stop exerting pressure on the CEC

The Committee of Voters of Ukraine considers the actions of the representatives of the Office of the President as an attempt to put pressure on the Central Election Commission and to interfere in its activities on the eve of the local elections. The CVU calls on the authorities to stop putting pressure on the CEC and […]

Decision to not hold local elections in certain constituencies of GCA Donetsk and Luhansk is a disenfranchisement of voters

On August, 08, 2020, on the grounds of conclusions from Donetsk and Luhansk oblast civil-military administrations, the CEC thereby established the impossibility to conduct the first local elections in 10 territorial hromadas (constituencies) in Donetsk Oblast, and in 8 hromadas in Luhansk Oblast. Notably, the local elections will not be organized in the de-facto oblast […]

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