Study trip to the 2025 German parliamentary election

Germany held its early elections to the federal parliament on February 23, 2025. On this occasion, 24 EPDE network members from 11 countries traveled to Berlin to study the electoral system and observe the e-day procedures. The group participated in briefings, meetings, and networking events, as well as observed voting and counting procedures in polling […]
European Exchange – Europäischer Austausch gGmbH
The European Exchange was founded in Berlin in 2005 and has since been committed to the democratic development of Europe and its neighbourhood. The main activities of the European Exchange are strengthening civil society and controlling state action. With a special focus on Eastern Europe and Ukraine, we are committed to the long-term networking of […]
Pressemitteilung: Bundestag muss transparenter werden

Der Deutsche Bundestag steht vor einer lange geforderten Reform, die eine weitere Vergrößerung des Parlaments verhindern soll. Der Bundestag hat jedoch nicht nur ein Problem mit der Anzahl der Abgeordneten, er hat auch ein Transparenzproblem. In einer geopolitischen Situation in der autokratische und demokratiefeindliche Staaten in und ausserhalb Europas gezielt Einfluß auf politische und gesellschaftliche […]
Press Release: German Bundestag must become more transparent

(Unofficial translation)In a geopolitical situation, in which autocratic and anti-democratic actors in and outside of Europe specifically seek influence over political and social processes in established European democracies; at a time, when corruption scandals are rocking European parliaments, the German Bundestag must also meet much higher standards when it comes to the transparency of party […]
Stricter regulation of election campaign financing and party donations needed in electoral law reform

Source: Christian Spicker/ imago images The German Bundestag is currently discussing a reform of the electoral law in order to curb further enlargement of the parliament and increase the proportion of women in parliament. Stefanie Schiffer, Chairperson of the European Platform for Democratic Elections, explains that a reform of the current electoral law must […]
„Fake Observation“ is a point of entry into political corruption
On 9 July 2018, within the 27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Berlin, the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) held the side event “New Challenges to the International Election Observation”. The event, which took place in the historic Reichstag building of the German Bundestag, was hosted by Isabel Santos, Vice […]
Fourth EPDE Annual Conference took place in Berlin, 19-20 December 2016

On December 19-20, 2016 a fourth Annual EPDE Conference took place at the Center for International Peace-keeping Operations (ZIF) in Berlin. 19 representatives from 13 EPDE member organizations participated in the conference. During the event, new guidelines for EPDE activities in the year 2017 were developed and agreed. EPDE team also discussed common actions during […]
EPDE Annual Conference Took Place in Berlin, 14-15 December 2015
On 14 and 15 December 2015 a third Annual Conference of EPDE took place in Berlin. 20 top monitors from 14 EPDE member organizations participated in the conference. The election experts developed a strategy of election monitoring in the countries of the EU Eastern Partnership and in Russia for the coming years. A special EPDE […]