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Deepened political crisis in Azerbaijan during the COVID-19 pandemic

This document analyzes the measures taken by the state with regards to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Azerbaijan and the implementation of quarantine rules and describes the new political situation in the country in the light of increasing political persecution during the quarantine period. The Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS) referred to national […]

Petition to release convicts during the COVID-19 pandemic

Azerbaijani civil society actors, human rights defender and lawyers, and other citizens call on authorities to release prisoner due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The petition states that the poor quality of food and the overcrowded conditions of detention centers is especially problematic during the pandemic. Upholding the humanist values, safety and right to health of […]

Pressure against municipality member for independent activities

EMDS calls law enforcement bodies to investigate the pressure against the elected municipality member Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS) expresses concern over the pressure in last two months against the Neftchala District, Kholgaragashli village municipality member Vafa Nagi who was elected in 23 December 2019 Municipal Elections and regards it as political pressure […]

Abuse of COVID-19 response measures against political opponents

Background: The Operative Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers was established on February 27 which confirmed the first case of infection in Azerbaijan a day later. Later, a lock-down regime is declared in Azerbaijan. Shops, cafes, restaurants, malls, most of the service industry is closed down, leaving the home is only allowed for a limited […]

Politically motivated arrests and persecution during the lockdown regime

The Operative Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers was established on February 27 which confirmed the first case of infection in Azerbaijan a day later. A lock-down regime is declared in Azerbaijan. Shops, cafes, restaurants, malls, most of the service industry is closed down, leaving the home is only allowed for a limited period with […]

Pressure against independent observers, candidates and journalists during and since elections

Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS) issued a press-release on the physical, psychological and political pressure put on independent observers, candidates, their representatives and journalists since the 9 February early Parliamentary Elections. EMDS notes with regret that observers faced various cases of pressure during the voting and counting processes across the country on Election […]

Preliminary report on 9 February 2020 early Parliamentary Elections

EMDS recorded similar violations on E-Day that have occurred in previous elections – one person voting multiple times, bussing of voters, ballot-box stuffing, and voting without registration. These violations were widespread and deliberate. Turnout figures counted by observers were significantly lower than the figures the CEC officially released on their website throughout E-Day. EMDS believes […]

Widespread violations and significantly lower turnout recorded during the early Parliamentary elections

Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDS) observed yesterday’s early Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan and recorded similar violations on E-Day that have occurred in previous elections – one person voting multiple times, bussing of voters, ballot-box stuffing, and voting without registration. These violations were widespread and appeared to be deliberate actions aimed at breaching the […]

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