August 2017, Kyiv
Within the framework of Ukrainian’s ongoing decentralization process, the Ukrainian Central Election Commission has scheduled the first elections of City Mayors and Councilors in 202 newly united territorial communities. The corresponding decision was taken on Friday meeting, August 18, as EPDE member OPORA informs.
The Central Election Commission has scheduled elections for 29 October 2017, and announced that the election process will begin on 9 September. The corresponding resolution was supported by 12 commission members, present at the meeting.
In total, 1 million 360 thousand people, i.e. 4% of Ukrainian voters, will have a chance to participate in the 29 October elections. The elections will be widely spread across the country, including, for instance, municipalities in Dnipro oblast in the East; Kyiv and Tscherkassy oblast in the centre; and Ivano-Frankivsk and Lwiw oblast in the West of Ukraine.
EPDE plans a number of activities around the local elections of 29 October 2017. Stay connected with EPDE’s communication channels to receive more details soon.
Please also follow the coverage of the Ukrainian elections at our Ukrainian members’ websites:
Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU)
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