Stefanie Schiffer, EPDE chair and since 2015 member of the board of the German-Russian high-level conference “Petersburger Dialog” was denied a Russian visa to attend the 17. annual conference of the Dialogue in Moscow on 7th and 8th October 2018. German mass media report critically on this decision. Schiffer claims that EPDE should be removed from the list of undesirable organisations at the earliest convenience.
See latest media reports on the topic:
Kein Visum für deutschen Vorstand (“No visa for a German board member”),, 8 October
Stabile Differenzen zwischen Deutschland und Russland (“Stable differences between Germany and Russia”), Deutschlandfunk, 8 October
Weiterhin keine Entspannung der Beziehungen – Ronald Pofalla kritisiert Russland (“No ease in the tensions – Ronald Pofalla criticizes Russia”),, 8 October
Die Sanktionen gegen Russland sind nach wie vor richtig (“The sanctions against Russia are still correct”), Tagesspiegel, 4 October
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