Expert Assessment of Short-term Election Observation Mission to 14 June 2015 Local Elections in Moldova carried out by the International Elections Study Center (IESC) in cooperation with EPDE and Promo-Lex
General information on observation
On 12 June 2015, the International Elections Study Center (IESC) in partnership with the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) and Moldavian NGO Promo-Lex deployed an international expert mission to Local Elections in Moldova that were held on June 14, 2015. The mission was composed of 20 experts, who observed the election processes on the Election Day at more than 100 polling stations located in different regions of the Republic of Moldova. Due to the limited observation timeframe, this report encompasses mostly just some aspects of the electoral legislation and procedures, as well as their application on the Polling Day.
Observation results
Local Elections in Moldova were held in the competitive environment, as there were numerous observers certified by the candidates present at polling stations.
Observers have noted a general improvement of the electronic registration and the Internet, compared with the Parliamentary Elections in 2014. However some voters were missing in the electronic register, though they did not change their place of residence. Nevertheless, as a result of changed boundaries of some PECs, voters did not know which one to go to for voting. It should be also noted, that there was insufficient number of signs for PECs.
Read the full report here
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