Call for expert(s) on political party and campaign financing in the EU
The European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) seeks an international expert or expert team to conduct research and publish a comparative study on EU-wide as well as national regulations concerning political party and campaign financing across the European Union. The focus of this research will be to analyze existing legislation and legislative gaps on both the EU-level and national level of several EU-member states pertaining to the fundraising and spending of political parties and electoral campaigns; recommendations for legal or procedural reforms issued by international institutions (GRECO, Venice Commission, OSCE ODIHR) and civil society organizations (both international or national CSOs).
The task of the expert(s) includes
Existing EPDE publication formats, including previous comparative studies, are available on Please use the email subject line “Application Political Finance Expert”. This job opening is active until it has been taken down from the EPDE website
The EPDE is a network of 15 independent European citizen election observation organizations. The aim of EPDE is to support citizen election observation and to contribute to democratic election processes throughout Europe. EPDE is a signatory of the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations and the Code of Conduct for Nonpartisan Election Observation. EPDE also is a member of the Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors (GNDEM).
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