Upon invitation of the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE), several experts and analysts of “Golos”, the Russian Movement for Defence of Voters’ Rights, took part in a study mission to the German federal election. Within their one-week stay, they discussed important questions related to the elections with German authorities, committees, political scientists, experts and journalists. On Election Day, they visited several polling stations of Berlin and Brandenburg and analysed the election process on-site.
Please find below links to articles and blogs by the participants of this study mission, analysing characteristics of and challenges for the electoral process in Germany, and comparing it with the situation in Russia.
Tatiana Iurasova, golosinfo.org, 3.11.2017 “Mistakes of the residents”: https://www.golosinfo.org/ru/articles/142299
Alexey Petrov, newspaper “Pravo Vybora” (The Right to Choose), 29.10.2017, “Germany gives in to the Right” (Russian): part 1, part 2
Nikolay Grishin, newspaper “Gazeta Volga”, 20.10.2017, “German elections through the eyes of an Astrakhanian” (Russian)
Oleg Reut, Stolica na onego.ru, 03.10.2017, “The German’s poison” (Russian): http://stolicaonego.ru/analytics/to-nemtsu-smert/
Arkady Lyubarev, golosinfo.org, 02.10.2017, “Remarks on the Bundestag elections 3. About postal vote” (Russian): https://lyubarev.livejournal.com/33213.html
Arkady Lyubarev, golosinfo.org, 30.09.2017, “Remarks on the Bundestag elections. 2. Briefly about the results” (Russian): https://lyubarev.livejournal.com/32896.html
Anastasia Fokina, facebook, 28.09.2017, “Unfortunately, I will be in Berlin or monitoring of the Bundestag elections” (Russian): https://www.facebook.com/notes/anastasia-fokina
Arkady Lyubarev, golosinfo.org, 26.09.2017, “Remarks on the Bundestag elections” (Russian): https://www.golosinfo.org/ru/articles/142229
Stanislav Anreichuk , golosinfo.org, 25.09.2017, “About money, demonstrations and voting on German federal elections” (Russian): https://www.golosinfo.org/ru/articles/142226
Nikolay Grishin, “Some conclusions of the study mission to the 2017 elections” (Russian)
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