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EU states must second sufficient observers to ODIHR’s EOM

(February 22, 2022)



22 February 2022


As a group of leading election observer groups from across the EU and Hungarian civil society organisations, we are calling on OSCE participating States, and particularly those within the EU, to honour the recommendations made by OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and second long-term and short-term election observers to the full Election Observation Mission to the parliamentary elections in Hungary on April 3.

On February 4, following meetings with state institutions, election officials, representatives of political parties, media and civil society, ODIHR recommended that a full-scale Election Observation Mission (EOM) be deployed to Hungary for the parliamentary elections on April 3. Along with 18 long-term observers and a core team of analysts, the recommended mission includes 200 short-term observers (STOs) to specifically monitor election-day proceedings.

With domestic election observation not permitted under Hungarian electoral law, Civil Kollégium Alapítvány), Hungary, Austria

Társaság a Szabadságjogokért), Hungary

Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Political Capital), Hungary

MEMO 98, Slovakia

Political Accountability Foundation (Fundacja Odpowiedzialna Polityka), Poland

Swedish International Liberal Center, Sweden

Unhack Democracy, Hungary

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