Kyiv, 25 May 2014
Despite yesterday’s Administrative court resolution to cancel the decision of the CEC, short-term observers from Russia within the mission of the European Platform for democratic elections (EPDE) to monitor the presidential elections in Ukraine began to work since a court decision is not in force.
There are more than 200 international observers in nine regions of Ukraine. Our observers were present at the opening of 75 polling stations. Mobile teams of two observers who on election day should visit about 1,500 PECs carry to out examination.
There are 21 candidates running for the post in the presidential elections in Ukraine. 33,200 precinct election commissions are formed. 33,700,000 voters can participate in elections.
The general attitude of members of election commissions towards EPDE Mission observers is friendly; only one case of difficulties in the admission to the site of an international observer has been recorded. Turnout at polling stations is noticed as high, so for half an hour after the opening PEC # 180450 in Korostyshiv (Zhytomyr region) more than a hundred people have voted.
The most frequent violation our observers have noted is the fact that data on the number of ballots received were not included in the report of the commission before the vote.
In three cases, observers had difficulties in obtaining information from the Commission. In six instances campaign agitation materials were seen at a distance closer than 50 meters from the building where voting takes place.
In addition, one instance of not presenting empty ballot boxes immediately before voting by the chairperson of the PEC was recorded.
In 4 cases the procedure of filling checklists into the ballot box after sealing was broken.
There have also been messages received denying observers to film , but after a joint study of the relevant law with a PEC representative, the problem was solved.
Starting from May 8 EPDE carried out presidential election observation in Ukraine, which will be held on May 25, 2014. EPDE conducts long-term expert monitoring and short-term monitoring on the Election Day involving observers from Russia. They are experienced observers, having participated in more than one national mission in partnership with GOLOS, SONAR, Citizen Observer, Rosvybor, St. Petersburg Observers and other civic associations. The mission relies on the Ukrainian members of EPDE – Committee of Voters of Ukraine and Civil Society Network OPORA.
The aim of the European Platform for Democratic Elections is to promote civic election monitoring in Eastern Partnership countries and the Russian Federation, and the development of democratic electoral processes.
EPDE aims at increasing the professionalism of election observation across Europe and improving the visibility of the results of election observation both on national and international level.
International election observation of presidential elections in Ukraine in 2014 is carried out in order to provide objective assessment of the electoral procedures on behalf of the population of the country. This mission is a public initiative of civil society activists. Mission is a non-political and non-governmental.
Main office of short-term observation mission of the European Platform for democratic elections during the presidential elections in Ukraine.
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