Kyiv, 26th May
International observers of short-term monitoring mission have attended 1153 polling stations in 9 regions of Ukraine: Kiev, districts of Kiev, Lwiw, Poltava, Odessa, Zhitomir, Chernigov, Dnepropetrovsk and Northern part of Lugansk region. Worth to mention that monitoring was carried out not only in Ukrainian districts but also in the embassies of Ukraine in Russian Federation and Finland. Unfortunately, observers were not allowed to attend polling station in Consulate in Rostov on Don.
The observation was carried out by mobile teams of two international observers and the observer from civil network OPORA (Ukraine).
The general attitude of members of election commissions to EPDE Mission observers is friendly; only eleven cases of difficulties in the admission to the site of an international observer has been recorded.
Until 9 am May, 26th there were not recorded a single report of gross violations such as ballot stuffing, voting for others in collusion with the commission or bribery of voters.
In Starobielsk (Lugansk region) international observers were forced to leave the area, refusing their right to observe. Besides, there were attempts to take away photo equipment and remove the photos.
On a PEC # 800,961 extinct 200 ballots has been recorded.
In general, the voting went smoothly, with no gross violations.
Observers noted some violations. The most common ones are the cases when the data was not recorded immediately what happened on 15 PECs.
In 11 cases, the counting procedure for candidates was not fully implemented. At 3 sites, there was non-compliance with the sequence of opening the ballot boxes. 5 PECs were noted by international observers with discrepancy between the control coupons figure and the number of ballots issued.
Starting from May, 8 EPDE carries out presidential election observation in Ukraine, which will be held on May 25, 2014. EPDE conducts long-term expert monitoring and short-term monitoring on the Election Day involving observers mostly from Russia. They are most experienced observers, participated in more than one national mission in partnership with GOLOS, SONAR, Citizen Observer, Rosvybor, St. Petersburg Observers and other civic associations. The mission relies on the Ukrainian members EPDE – Committee of Voters of Ukraine and Civil Society Network OPORA.
The aim of the European Platform for Democratic Elections is to promote civic election monitoring in Eastern Partnership countries and the Russian Federation, and the development of democratic electoral processes.
International election observation of presidential elections in Ukraine in 2014 is carried out in order to provide objective assessment of the electoral procedures on behalf of the population of the country. This mission is a public initiative of civil society activists. Mission is a non-political and non-governmental.
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