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EPDE network reports on French elections

(July 5, 2017)


Foto: G. Melkonyants


June 2017, Paris

In June 2017, the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) organized a study trip to the second and decisive round of the French Parliamentary Elections. Six election experts from the EPDE network participated in this trip, during which they met French authorities, electoral administration, candidates, influential think tanks and election experts. On Election Day, they visited several polling stations


EPDE’s experts were warmly welcomed by their French hosts and had the opportunity to discuss technical questions concerning the elections as well as political topics in an open and interested atmosphere.


Aim of the research mission was to receive insights into French electoral practice and to compare it with EPDE’s experience from other countries. In addition, another objective was to provide a qualified and unbiased coverage of the elections in France in the Russian-language independent mass media.


Please see below selected articles of our experts based on their experience at the study trip:


Tatjana Jurasova, Novaya Gazeta, 19.07.2017, “How it is done in Paris” (Russian):


Arkady Lyubarev,, 18.07.2017, “Parliamentary election in France: a detailed overview” (Russian):


Stanislav Andreychuk,, 25.06.2017, “French Elections – lessons for Russia” (Russian):


Stanislav Andreychuk,, 23.06.2017, “On prefectures, financing and complaints at the elections in France” (Russian):


Stanislav Andreychuk,, 21.06.2017, “Experts of Golos visited French elections” (Russian):


Arkady Lyubarev, blog, 10.06.2017, “Briefly on the French electoral system” (Russian):


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