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EPDE observes local elections in Ukraine

(October 24, 2015)


A group of civic election observers from the EPDE member organizations from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Norway, Poland and Russia observe the local elections in Ukraine scheduled for 25 October 2015. The observation is supported by the European Union and the German-Polish Cooperation Foundation. The observation takes place in cooperation with the Ukrainian EPDE members from the Civic Network Opora and the Committe of Voters of Ukraine.

During the last days of election campaign, the group of observers held a number of briefings with Ukrainian election experts. During election day, the observers group will be deployed to Kyiv and other Ukrainian regions. A debriefing will take place on Monday, 26 October.

The group met also with other EPDE experts operating in the country. The have discussed the peculiarities of the Ukrainian election system, especially the implication of the new local election law, the lacking voting oportunities for so called internally isplaced persons, as well as the polling conditions in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

On 27 october, a lunch briefing with EPDE experts will take place in Hotel Radisson, Yaroslavi Val 22, Kyiv.

For more information please contact EPDE coordinator in Kyiv: +380 95 59 53 717

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